Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Day, 2014

I am going to try to write a note in here everyday for 2014.  In the past I've tried to also include a picture a day, and I may do that as well this year!

Today is a nice quiet snowy day---not actually snowing this morning, but we had more snow yesterday, so all is pristine and pure looking outside.  Temp is in the teens.

We've all been working at taking down our Christmas decorations all over the house.  Everyone except Meika has helped.  We are also watching the Rose Parade...beautiful.

Yesterday Rosie's 72 hour stay at Pine Rest was extended by the judge for 90 days, and we are praying that the meds will bring back good mental health.

A few pictures follow of our family New Year's Eve party!

Here are a few pictures of our New Year's Day morning!

Today was a fun day---Rose Bowl parade and game!  AND, the fun part was that Michigan State won!  I don't really follow football, but this was a special game!  

Inside Christmas decorations are all down; just got to organize them in the attic until next year---which will be here in no time at all--at least it seems that way!

My verse for today:
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”  Isaiah 43:18-19

1 comment:

  1. I will enjoy peeking in on your blog, Marge! With your complex family, there is so much going on ... sometimes it feels overwhelming to me just peeking at it (!) ... so it is good to know that you have a great God who gives you "sufficient strength" to meet the challenges you face as a family. No small task. I have carried on a family blog, mostly a photo-journal since 2007 ~ I enjoy looking back at it and remembering, sometimes with much sadness and sorrow, but many times with JOY. If ever you wish to take a peek at it: Glad to hear Rosie is in a good place, Marge. I will pray for her. Sending you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
